Is SEO Worth it? Evaluating the True Value of Organic Search in 2024


Wondering if SEO is worth it, then the answer is a definite yes. SEO can increase your site’s visibility, boost credibility, and drive organic traffic. This article will show you why SEO is a smart investment, its key components, and how it delivers a strong ROI. Keep reading to learn how SEO can benefit your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Investing in SEO services offers a significant ROI of 22:1, making it a worthwhile strategy for driving revenue and increasing qualified leads.
  • SEO involves on-page, off-page, and technical elements, each critical for improving website visibility and credibility in search engine results.
  • While SEO requires continuous effort and patience to see long-term benefits, it remains a cost-effective approach compared to PPC and social media advertising, especially for sustainable results.

1. What is SEO?

Given that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine, the importance of SEO is undeniable.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is a digital marketing strategy for enhancing your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves various factors like keywords, content, and on-page and off-page elements, all crucial for optimisation. By implementing these SEO techniques, you help search engines understand your site’s purpose and value, which can help boost your brand visibility. 

Simply put, SEO is not just about driving traffic; it’s about building brand awareness, establishing credibility, and positioning yourself as an industry authority. 

Read: Top SEO Services in London

Key Components of SEO

SEO techniques are typically divided into three main categories: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. 

On-page SEO focuses on optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes elements like content quality, keyword usage, and HTML tags.

On the other hand, off-page SEO deals with actions taken outside of your web page to impact your rankings within search engine results pages. This primarily involves building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, which can enhance your site’s authority and credibility.

Technical SEO is the foundation upon which your on-page and off-page efforts are built. It involves optimising your website’s structure to help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. This includes improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and implementing structured data. One crucial aspect of technical SEO is internal linking, which helps search engines understand your site’s structure and passes authority to other pages.

Keep in mind that while keywords form the backbone of SEO, their effectiveness lies in thorough research, careful selection, and judicious usage in your content. By conducting thorough keyword research based on your target audience’s insights, you can determine the right topics to cover and create content that resonates with both users and search engines.

Know more: Essential SEO Tips for Small Business Websites

2. Choosing the Right SEO Approach

So, how do you execute SEO for your business? The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. The right strategy depends on your:

  • Specific goals
  • Target audience
  • Industry
  • Resources

This section discusses the two primary methods of executing SEO: doing it yourself (DIY) or recruiting an SEO agency. We’ll also guide you on how to select an SEO service provider if you decide to go that route.

DIY SEO vs Hiring an SEO Agency

When it comes to implementing SEO, businesses often face a crucial decision: should they manage SEO in-house or hire an agency? Each approach has its own advantages and challenges. Here’s a summary table comparing both options:

AspectDIY SEOHiring an SEO Agency
Time InvestmentSignificant time requiredSaves time for business owners
Expertise NeededRequires learning SEO best practicesLeverages professional expertise
Learning CurveHigh, needs staying updated with changesHandled by experienced professionals
Tools & ResourcesLimited access to advanced toolsAccess to advanced tools and technique
ResultsMay take longer to see reliable resultsOften quicker and more reliable results
Trend UpdatesSelf-updating requiredAgency stays updated with the latest trends.
FocusCan distract from core business activitiesAllows focus on core business activities
ScalabilityMay struggle with scaling effortsCan scale strategies according to business growth
Risk ManagementHigher risk of mistakes due to lack of expertiseLower risk, as experts handle SEO practices
ControlFull control over the processLess control, relies on agency
CostMore cost-effectiveHigher upfront cost, but worth the investment
DIY SEO vs Hiring an SEO Agency

Selecting an SEO Service Provider

If you decide to hire an SEO service provider, it’s crucial to choose wisely. The SEO industry is diverse, with many agencies offering a wide range of services and expertise.


To make the best choice, it’s essential to research and select an SEO service provider with:

  • A proven track record
  • Good client references
  • Case studies or testimonials that demonstrate their ability to deliver results in your industry or for businesses similar to yours.

Effective communication is another crucial factor to consider when selecting an SEO agency. Ensure that the company you choose:

  • Is prompt, clear, and proactive in keeping you updated about your campaign’s progress
  • Can explain their strategies in terms/concepts you can understand
  • Provides regular reports on key metrics

Be wary of companies that promise instant SEO results or guarantee specific rankings. These claims often indicate the use of black hat SEO techniques that can harm your website’s reputation in the long run. Remember, SEO is a long-term strategy, and any reputable agency will set realistic expectations about the timeline for seeing results.

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3. The ROI of SEO

SEO has proven to be an essential revenue-generating channel, with an average ROI ratio of 22:1. This means that for every pound spent on SEO, businesses can expect to see a return of £22. 


Compared to other marketing channels, SEO often delivers the highest ROI, with 29% of marketers reporting that organic search outperforms all other marketing efforts.

SEO’s benefits extend beyond mere financial returns. It also helps reach those already searching for your products or services, thereby increasing revenue and generating more qualified leads. This makes investing in an SEO company and SEO services worth considering for your business growth, especially when weighing the cost of SEO.

Calculating SEO Value

Determining the worth of SEO for your business involves considering several factors, including your average selling price, the cost of implementing an SEO strategy, your conversion rate, and keyword rankings. Although it may seem complex, there is a simple formula to measure SEO’s financial benefits.

To calculate your website’s performance, you need information on your average number of daily visitors, conversion rate, and average order value. These factors will help determine the effectiveness of your website in generating sales.

Let’s break it down with an example. Suppose your website receives 1,000 visitors per day from organic search. The average conversion rate for SEO is 2.4%, but let’s be conservative and assume a 2% conversion rate for this example.

If your average order value is £50, here’s how the calculation would look:

  • 1,000 visitors x 2% conversion rate = 20 conversions per day
  • 20 conversions x £50 average order value = £1,000 daily revenue

This translates to a monthly revenue increase of £30,000, or £360,000 a year. Keep in mind that this is a simplified example, and actual results may vary.

However, it illustrates the potential value that SEO can bring to your business. Moreover, when you work with SEO agencies, they often provide tracking and measurement tools that offer clear insights into your ROI, making it easier to justify your investment.

Know more: Top SEO Services in Glasgow

Long-Term Benefits

While SEO offers immediate financial returns, its long-term benefits set it apart from other marketing strategies. SEO is a continuous process that yields compounding results over time, with peak outcomes typically occurring 2-3 years into the campaign. Key long-term benefits include:

  • Enhanced Brand Credibility and Reputation: Consistent search result appearances build visibility and trust among potential customers.
  • Content Creation: SEO enables you to create valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs, capturing new leads and nurturing them to conversion.
  • Loyal Customer Base: This approach drives immediate sales and builds long-term customer loyalty.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Though initially costly, SEO is a cost-effective strategy that offers sustained benefits in the long run.

Not investing in SEO can result in lost business to competitors who maintain a strong online presence.

Find out: All in One SEO vs Yoast SEO vs RankMath: The Best SEO Plugin

4. Common Misconceptions About SEO

Despite the clear benefits and success stories, numerous misconceptions about SEO persist. These myths often arise from outdated information, misunderstandings about search engine mechanics, or unrealistic expectations. This section aims to dispel some of the most common misconceptions about SEO.

Myth #1: SEO Is Too Expensive

A common myth about SEO is that it’s expensive, especially for small businesses or startups. This misconception arises from a lack of understanding about the long-term value SEO provides. While SEO does require an investment of time and resources, it should be viewed as a cost-effective marketing strategy rather than an unnecessary expense.

Contrary to popular belief, SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available; here’s why:

  • Free Traffic: Unlike paid advertising, where you’re charged for each click, the traffic generated through organic search is essentially free once your rankings are established.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: SEO tends to be more cost-effective than Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising in the long run. While PPC offers immediate visibility, the costs can quickly add up, especially for competitive keywords.
  • Sustainability: SEO provides a more sustainable approach, offering lasting benefits that continue to pay dividends over time.

Read about: Top SEO Services in Birmingham

Myth #2: SEO Results Are Immediate

Another common misconception is that SEO delivers instant results, leading to frustration when immediate improvements aren’t seen. 

In reality, SEO is a long-term strategy, often taking 6-12 months to show initial results and 2-3 years to reach peak effectiveness. SEO involves various factors, including content creation, link building, and technical optimisation, which take time for search engines to recognise.

Patience and consistency are crucial. So, be wary of SEO companies promising quick results, as SEO is an ongoing process that requires long-term investment for the best outcomes.

Learn: Toxic Backlinks in WordPress: Easiest Ways to Identify and Fix Bad Links

Myth #3: SEO is Only for Large Businesses

There’s a persistent myth that SEO is only beneficial or feasible for large businesses with big budgets. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

SEO can be especially valuable for small businesses, helping them compete with larger companies in the digital space. SEO levels the playing field, allowing businesses of all sizes to compete for visibility in search results based on content quality and relevance, not advertising budget size.

Small businesses can benefit greatly from SEO by focusing on niche and local searches to attract relevant traffic. Local SEO is particularly powerful for small businesses, capturing traffic from potential customers in their area.

Consider this: 76% of people use their phones to look for something nearby and visit a business on the same day.

Thus, by optimising for local search queries, small businesses can attract highly qualified leads.

Moreover, SEO is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It can be tailored to fit the needs and resources of any business, making it a valuable strategy for:

  • Local mom-and-pop shops
  • Small businesses
  • Medium-sized companies
  • Large corporations
  • Multinational organisation

Find out: Top SEO Services in Cambridge

5. Comparing SEO to Other Marketing Strategies

Understanding SEO’s value requires comparing it to other digital marketing strategies. With limited resources available, deciding where to allocate your marketing budget can be challenging. So, let’s compare SEO to two popular alternatives: paid search advertising and social media advertising.

SEO vs Paid Search Advertising

AspectSEOPaid Search Advertising
CostLower long-term costHigher immediate cost
Time to ResultsLong-term (6-12 months)Immediate results
SustainabilityProvides ongoing benefitsBenefits last as long as you pay
VisibilityOrganic search resultsSponsored search results
Click CostsFree (organic clicks)Pay-per-click (PPC)
CredibilityHigher perceived trustworthinessOften perceived as ads
MaintenanceContinuous optimisationContinuous budget allocation
ROIHigh long-term ROIVariable ROI, can be costly over time
SEO vs Paid Search Advertising

SEO vs Social Media Advertising

AspectSEOSocial Media Advertising
Primary PurposeTargets users actively searchingBuilds brand awareness and engagement
User IntentHigh intent, further along in the buying processLower intent, creating demand
CostOrganic traffic (free clicks)Paid strategy (charged per impression/click)
EngagementLess interactiveHighly interactive
TargetingBased on search queriesBased on interests, behaviours, demographics
Ad TypeText-based search resultsVisually appealing ads
Time to ResultsLong-term (6-12 months)Immediate visibility
SustainabilityLong-lasting benefitsBenefits last as long as you pay
ROIHigh long-term ROIVariable ROI, depends on campaign success.
SEO vs Social Media Advertising

6. The Role of Content in SEO

As reiterated throughout this article, SEO is a complex strategy with numerous components. Yet, if one were to single out a cornerstone of successful SEO, it would undeniably be content. High-quality, valuable content is crucial for SEO success. 

In fact, the majority of SEO work is done when the content is created. Content serves multiple purposes in SEO:

  • It signals to search engines that your site is worth recommending
  • Improves your visibility in search results
  • It helps build a robust backlink profile.

In this section, we’ll explore the role of content in SEO, exploring how to create valuable content and optimise it for search engines.

Creating Valuable Content

Creating valuable content is at the core of any successful SEO strategy. But what makes content truly valuable? Essentially, valuable content:

  • Serves the needs and interests of your target audience
  • Answers their questions
  • Solves their problems
  • Provides useful or entertaining information

While optimising your content for search engines is important, always prioritise creating content for people first and search engines second.

To create valuable content, start by understanding your audience.

  • What are their pain points?
  • Is there any specific questions they are asking?
  • What type of information are they searching for?

Use these insights to guide your content creation.

For instance, Later, a social media management tool, achieved 147% year-over-year growth by adding a Social Media Glossary with over 200 pages of content. Thus, providing immense value to their target audience of social media marketers and enthusiasts.

Similarly, MedPark Hospital in Bangkok tailored thousands of new pages in both Thai and English, resulting in over a quarter million organic visits from English pages alone.

These examples illustrate that creating a large volume of high-quality, relevant content can significantly boost your SEO performance and drive substantial organic traffic.

Also read: How to Start a WordPress Website in the UK

Content Optimisation Techniques

Creating valuable content is essential, but optimising it for search engines is equally important. Content optimisation involves various techniques to help search engines understand and rank your content. One key aspect is keyword research and implementation. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Identify the keywords, LSI search terms, and phrases your target audience uses to search for information related to your business.
  • Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can lead to penalties from search engines.

By following these steps, you can improve your content’s visibility and reach on search engines.

Beyond keywords, several other on-page SEO techniques should be implemented:

  • Meta Descriptions: Optimise meta descriptions to encourage click-throughs from search results.
  • Header Tags: Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to structure your content logically.
  • Internal Linking: Implement internal linking to help search engines understand the relationship between different pages on your site.

Additionally, consider using structured data to help search engines better understand your content, potentially leading to rich snippets in search results.


As we conclude our exploration of SEO in 2024, it’s evident that SEO is not just beneficial but also essential for businesses aiming to succeed in the digital age.

We’ve covered the basics of SEO and its impressive ROI, showcasing its impact. By debunking common myths, comparing SEO with other marketing strategies, and providing guidance on choosing the right approach, we’ve highlighted the importance of high-quality, optimised content for SEO success.

Despite the ever-changing digital world, the core principles of SEO remain constant:

  • Provide value to your audience
  • Optimise for search engines
  • Stay committed to your strategy

SEO will continue to be a vital tool for businesses of all sizes. In short, investing in SEO today will yield increased visibility, credibility, and revenue for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

SEO is a long-term strategy, so don’t expect instant results. Generally, it takes 6-12 months to start seeing initial results, with peak results often occurring 2-3 years into the campaign. However, this timeline can vary based on industry competitiveness and your website’s current state.

Is SEO more cost-effective than paid advertising?

Yes, in the long run, SEO is generally more cost-effective than paid advertising since it can provide sustained benefits without ongoing costs per click. However, combining both strategies can also lead to the best results.

Can small businesses benefit from SEO, or is it only for large companies?

Yes, small businesses can definitely benefit from SEO. In fact, Local SEO can help them compete with larger companies in the digital space by focusing on niche and local searches.

How important is content in SEO?

Content is absolutely essential for SEO. It’s the foundation of a successful SEO strategy, signalling to search engines that your site is worth recommending, improving visibility in search results, and helping build a robust backlink profile. Creating high-quality, well-optimised content is one of the best ways to enhance your SEO performance.

Should I do SEO myself or hire an agency?

Consider your budget, available time, level of SEO knowledge, and how quickly you need to see results. Many small businesses prefer to outsource SEO to experts due to the time and expertise it requires.

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