Top 10 Tips to Optimise WordPress Website Speed and Boost Performance


Is your WordPress site slow? Boost its speed with our actionable tips. In this guide, we’ll explore 10 tips to optimise your WordPress website speed and boost its overall performance. From choosing the right hosting provider to optimising images, these actionable steps will help you enhance your website’s loading time, improve user satisfaction, and increase your chances of ranking higher on search engines.

Key Takeaways

  • Conducting a performance audit helps identify slow elements on your WordPress site and offers actionable improvement suggestions for better speed.
  • Choosing high-performance hosting, utilising a CDN, and implementing caching can significantly enhance your site’s loading times and overall performance.
  • Regularly updating WordPress core, themes, and plugins, optimising images, and minimising external scripts keep your site fast, secure, and user-friendly.

1. Conduct a Performance Audit

Begin by conducting a thorough performance audit. This will help maintain your website’s functionality, user experience, and search engine visibility.

A performance audit analyses your site’s code, content, and hosting environment to identify factors causing slow performance. Tools like Seahawk’s Website Speed Test and Google PageSpeed Insights are excellent for running these audits.


For instance, Seahawk’s Website Speed Test offers a score for website loading speed and practical advice for improvement based on Core Web Vitals, including page speed.

Monitoring server-side caching can improve content delivery speed and effectively manage dynamic content. 

  • Tools like Google Chrome DevTools offer insights into website performance, including loading times and resource management metrics. Load testing tools like 
  • can also assess your site’s response time under varying traffic conditions.

After running performance tests, analyse common metrics to evaluate your site’s loading speed and identify slow-loading elements. Regular tests help you understand your site’s current performance and implement necessary improvements. Performance audits can lead to actionable improvements for your WordPress site’s speed.

Read: Ultimate WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist for Optimal Performance

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2. Choose High-Performance Hosting

A fast WordPress site begins with choosing the right hosting. Options include shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated hosting, and managed WordPress hosting. Opting for high-quality hardware, such as SSDs and powerful CPUs, ensures optimal site performance.


Managed WordPress hosting typically includes features such as automatic backups, staging environments, and optimised server configurations, making maintaining a fast WordPress site easier. Some of the top managed hosting providers include:

High-performance hosting providers often offer performance-enhancing features like object caching, code minification, and load balancing, which contribute to faster page load times.

Select a hosting provider offering high-quality hardware and optimised web server configurations to ensure your speed up WordPress site loads quickly. This can significantly impact your site’s speed and performance, leading to a better user experience and improved search engine rankings.

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3. Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins

Regularly updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins is essential for maintaining a secure and high-performing website. By keeping everything up-to-date, you not only enhance site performance but also improve the user experience. This ensures your website operates efficiently with the latest technologies and security patches.

Before proceeding with any updates, it’s crucial to back up your site to prevent potential data loss. You can do this via BlogVault. Additionally, enabling automatic updates can help keep your site secure and up-to-date with minimal effort. However, it’s wise to test these updates in a staging environment first to avoid conflicts with existing functionalities.

Notifications for available updates will appear in your WordPress dashboard, making it easier to stay on top of maintenance tasks. Regularly checking for and applying these updates plays a significant role in ensuring the longevity and stability of your site.

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4. Optimise Images

Images play a significant role in your website’s overall appearance and functionality. However, unoptimised images can slow down a website, negatively affecting user experience. Here, compressing images and videos can reduce load times and enhance your website’s performance.


Plugins like Smush and EWWW Image Optimizer can help with image optimisation. It’s recommended to keep image file sizes under 100 KB for optimal performance.

Lazy loading ensures content loads only when visible to users, enhancing performance. Plugins like Imagify allow for asynchronous bulk optimisation, helping to optimise multiple images efficiently. Manually resizing images before uploading also aids in optimising loading times and complements lazy loading techniques.

5. Enable Caching

Caching is one of the most effective ways to speed up your WordPress site. Caching plugins serve static HTML versions of web pages to reduce server load and improve page load times. Effective caching can dramatically decrease the Time to First Byte (TTFB), making websites more responsive.

Server caching reduces server load by serving static content, which is beneficial during high-traffic periods. Using caching plugins enhances the speed of a WordPress site by minimising the resources needed for each request. WP Rocket is a popular caching plugin that simplifies the caching process for WordPress users.

Find out: How to Fix a Hacked WordPress Website

6. Minimise CSS and JavaScript Files

Minimising CSS and JavaScript files is vital in boosting your WordPress website’s speed. You can achieve faster load times without sacrificing functionality by reducing file sizes through minification and removing unnecessary characters from the code.

This process reduces the amount of data the browser needs to download, which can significantly enhance your site’s web performance. You can minify files manually using online tools or automatically with plugins like Autoptimize. Manual minification can be particularly beneficial for custom code in child themes. 

Additionally, combining multiple CSS files into one reduces the number of requests made to the server, further improving site performance. Plugins like Autoptimize are especially helpful in efficiently combining external CSS and JavaScript files.

Remember to always back up your original files before minification to ensure you can recover them if needed.

Know more: Top Website Development Service Providers

7. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an effective way to reduce loading times by serving content from the server closest to the user. This approach significantly enhances user experience by delivering content quickly, regardless of the visitor’s location. 


By leveraging a CDN, the speed at which images and other assets are delivered improves as they are served from a location nearer to the user. CDNs work by caching assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS, making them more accessible and faster to load. For example, websites often see substantial performance improvements after deploying a CDN.

On average, page load times decrease by 43.2%, while the Time to First Byte (TTFB) improves by 84.69%. In one case, a website’s load time was reduced to just 585 ms after enabling the CDN, and the TTFB on assets dropped to an impressive 15 ms. Additionally, CDNs help maintain site availability by rerouting traffic during outages, further ensuring a smooth and fast browsing experience for users worldwide.

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8. Clean Up Your Database

Regularly cleaning up the WordPress database removes unnecessary data and enhances overall performance. 

  • Deleting spam and unapproved comments keeps the database lean and efficient. 
  • Cleaning the WordPress media library by removing unused images frees up space and improves website performance.
  • Removing orphan data, such as unattached media files, frees up valuable space in the database. 
  • Deleting unused plugins and themes prevents clutter and maintains database performance. 
  • Managing transient data by deleting expired entries reduces unnecessary database load.

Plugins like WP-Optimize can perform comprehensive database cleanups.

To avoid accidental data loss, create a database backup before starting any cleanup. Optimising database tables either manually or through plugins leads to better overall site performance. 

Learn about: Strategies for WordPress Maintenance, Care and Risk Management

9. Limit External Scripts

Limiting external scripts is crucial for optimising website performance, as excessive HTTP requests can significantly slow down load times. Third-party scripts often contribute to longer loading times, potentially slowing page responsiveness by up to 86.08%. 

To improve WordPress website speed, evaluate the necessity of each external script and consider using lightweight alternatives. Consolidating the functions of multiple scripts can further reduce load times. In addition, minimising HTTP requests by only using essential services helps maintain a faster site. 

Tools like the Perfmatters plugin allow you to disable unnecessary scripts per page/post, ensuring optimal performance.

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10. Optimise for Mobile

Optimising your WordPress site for mobile is essential, given the growing number of users accessing the web via smartphones. According to research, 53% of mobile visitors abandon a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. A responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes is key. Tools like Chrome Lighthouse can test mobile performance.


Incorporating mobile-focused features, such as responsive design, Google AMP for faster loading, and streamlined navigation, can greatly enhance the user experience. Analysing your site’s mobile traffic also helps prioritise optimisation based on actual user behaviour, especially since 58% of smartphone users prefer mobile-friendly websites.

To Sum Up

Optimising your WordPress website speed involves several strategic steps, from conducting performance audits to optimising for mobile. Each step is crucial in enhancing your site’s performance, user experience, and search engine rankings.

By implementing these tips, you can ensure a faster, efficient, and more successful WordPress site. Regular updates, image optimisation, caching, and utilising a CDN are just a few ways to boost your website’s speed.

So, take action today and transform your WordPress site into a speed powerhouse.

FAQs About WordPress Website Speed

How to increase WordPress website speed without plugins?

To boost your WordPress site’s speed without plugins, focus on choosing a good hosting provider, using HTTPS, updating to the latest PHP version, and optimising images. These steps, along with enabling Gzip compression and using a CDN, can make a noticeable difference.

What tools can I use to conduct a performance audit on my WordPress site?

For a solid performance audit of your WordPress site, Seahawk’s Website Speed Test, GTmetrix, and Pingdom are great tools to use. They’ll help you pinpoint what’s slowing down your site and suggest improvements.

How does high-performance hosting impact my WordPress site speed?

High-performance hosting with quality hardware like SSDs and robust CPUs can significantly boost your WordPress site’s speed and performance. It’s a smart investment for better user experience and site efficiency.

Why is it important to update the WordPress core, themes, and plugins regularly?

Regularly updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins is crucial to protect your site from security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues. It keeps your website running smoothly and securely with the latest features and patches.

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