Top 10 WordPress Security Myths Busted


In 2024, WordPress continues to dominate the CMS market, powering millions of sites across the globe. However, with its widespread use comes a host of misconceptions about its security. Unfortunately, these myths can lead to inadequate protection and vulnerabilities. Thus, understanding the truth behind these WordPress security myths is important for anyone looking to safeguard their WordPress site. In this article, we’ll bust the top 10 WordPress security myths, ensuring you have the right knowledge to protect your site. So, let’s dive in and separate fact from fiction.

Key Takeaways

  • Security issues in WordPress predominantly arise from user negligence rather than vulnerabilities in the core software.
  • All WordPress sites, regardless of size, are potential targets for hackers, making robust security measures essential, especially for small businesses.
  • A comprehensive security strategy for WordPress sites goes beyond SSL certificates and security plugins. It also necessitates strong passwords, regular updates, and proactive monitoring.

Myth 1: WordPress Core is Insecure

One of the most common WordPress security myths is that the core software itself is insecure. This misconception often stems from the platform’s popularity as a popular content management system, leading some to believe that because a WordPress website powers so many websites, it must be a prime target for attacks. However, this is far from the truth.


Most WordPress security issues stem from user negligence, not from vulnerabilities within the core software. Security breaches often stem from user errors, like not updating plugins or themes, leaving sites vulnerable to attacks. 

For example, according to a 2022 WP security report, 36% of hacked sites had outdated plugins, highlighting the need for regular updates. Therefore, keeping the WordPress core, plugins, and themes updated is crucial to prevent vulnerabilities. Also, maintaining WordPress security demands consistent upkeep, so staying updated is key.

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Myth 2: Small Sites Are Safe from Hackers

Another common myth is that small WordPress sites are safe from hackers, as many owners believe their sites are too insignificant to attract cybercriminals. However, this belief is dangerously misleading. 

In reality, all WordPress sites, regardless of size, are potential targets. Small business websites are often less protected, making them easier to compromise. Shockingly, 60% of online attacks target small and midsize businesses, highlighting their vulnerability.

Hackers are often motivated by financial gain, using compromised sites to distribute spam links, steal sensitive information, or redirect traffic to malicious sites. Such activities can severely damage your site’s search engine rankings and erode visitor trust.

Furthermore, the consequences of a cyberattack can be devastating for small site owners. Statistics show that 60% of small businesses that suffer a cyberattack close down within a year. This underscores the critical need for robust security measures, regardless of the size of your WordPress site. Here, regular updates, strong passwords, and comprehensive security plugins like BlogVault are essential to safeguard against threats.

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Myth 3: SSL Certificates Make Your Site Fully Secure

Many website owners believe that installing an SSL certificate is enough to make their WordPress site fully secure. While SSL certificates are essential for encrypting data during transmission, they do not address all security vulnerabilities within the WordPress platform.

SSL certificates encrypt data between users and servers, preventing interception by third parties. However, they do not stop direct hacking attempts. Hackers can still exploit vulnerabilities like outdated plugins or weak passwords.

So, while SSL certificates are crucial for security, they should not be the only measure. Additional steps like regular updates are necessary for protection. Simply put, comprehensive WordPress security requires a multi-layered approach.

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Myth 4: Changing wp-admin Directory Secures Your Site

Changing the wp-admin directory is a popular tactic among WordPress users to secure their sites, but it doesn’t significantly reduce the risk of unauthorised access. While this change may obscure the login page from casual attackers, it doesn’t address the underlying security vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.


Hackers can still gain access through other means, such as exploiting vulnerabilities in plugins or themes. To truly strengthen your site’s security, you need more comprehensive security measures to protect against unauthorised access, like firewall and malware scanning.

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Myth 5: Strong Passwords Alone Will Protect Your Site

Relying solely on passwords is a common misconception. While complex passwords with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols are important, they are not sufficient for comprehensive WordPress security. Regularly updating your passwords helps reduce the risk of them being compromised over time. Additionally, implementing two-factor authentication and limiting login attempts can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s security.

Myth 6: Installing Security Plugins is Enough

Some WordPress users mistakenly believe that installing security plugins is enough to fully protect their site from threats. While these plugins are valuable for automating tasks like backups and malware scanning, they alone do not provide comprehensive security. Regular updates and additional protective measures are essential for complete protection.


To enhance security, it’s important to implement measures such as two-factor authentication, regular backups, and continuous, real-time monitoring for suspicious activity. These steps address threats that plugins alone may not be able to handle.

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Myth 7: Only Premium Themes and Plugins Are Secure

The belief that only premium themes and plugins are secure is a common misconception. While premium themes often receive more frequent updates and external security reviews, free themes from reputable sources can also be secure. In fact, free WordPress themes in the official repository are vetted for basic security standards.


Selecting the right theme involves evaluating the credibility of the source and ensuring that regular updates are provided. Whether you choose free or premium options, maintaining a secure WordPress site requires keeping themes and plugins up to date and sourcing them from reputable authors.

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Myth 8: Hosting Providers Handle All Security

Many believe that hosting providers handle all security, but this is a misconception. While hosting companies secure their infrastructure, the responsibility for your site’s security largely falls on you. Hosting providers may assist after a breach, but proactive WordPress security measures like changing passwords are essential. So, website owners should actively manage their site’s security to prevent breaches and minimise risks.

Myth 9: Disabled Plugins and Themes Pose No Risk

A common misconception is that disabled plugins and themes pose no risk. However, if not managed properly, inactive plugins and themes can still be targeted by hackers. The best practice is to remove unused themes and plugins or keep them updated. Regularly reviewing and managing them minimises security risks and keeps your WordPress site secure.

Myth 10: You’ll Immediately Know When Your Site Is Compromised

Many website owners think they will immediately know when their site is compromised. However, professional hackers often use sophisticated methods to mask their intrusions, leading to extended periods before detection. This underscores the need for proactive security measures, including off-site monitoring.

Detection may take a long time, or the breach might not be discovered at all. As such, regular monitoring and security audits are essential for timely threat detection and response.

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Importance of WordPress Maintenance and 24/7 Support for Website Security

Continuous maintenance ensures your site adheres to security best practices and industry compliance standards, protecting both your site and its users. Ongoing maintenance and support also help identify and address security risks before they become major issues. Furthermore, WordPress maintenance, care, and 24/7 support ensure:

  • Regular Updates: Keeping WordPress, themes, and plugins updated is crucial to patching vulnerabilities and ensuring the latest security features are in place.
  • Performance Optimisation: Routine maintenance helps optimise website performance, reducing downtime and enhancing user experience, which indirectly supports security.
  • Security Monitoring: 24/7 support ensures continuous monitoring of suspicious activities, allowing for immediate responses to potential threats.
  • Backup and Recovery: Regular backups and 24/7 support enable quick recovery in case of data loss or a security breach, minimising disruption.

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To recap, the security of your WordPress site depends on proactive and comprehensive measures. By debunking these common WordPress security myths, we’ve highlighted the importance of regular updates, robust passwords, and additional security practices. It’s clear that no single measure is enough; a multi-layered approach is essential.

Remember, maintaining a secure WordPress site requires ongoing effort and vigilance. By staying informed and proactive, you can safeguard your site from potential threats and ensure its continued success.

FAQs About WordPress Security

Why is WordPress website security important?

WordPress website security is crucial for protecting your site from hackers, malware, and data breaches, which can lead to downtime, loss of sensitive information, and damage to your reputation.

What are the most common WordPress security threats?

The most common threats include brute force attacks, malware injections, outdated plugins/themes, and vulnerabilities in third-party integrations.

How can I improve my WordPress site’s security?

You can enhance security by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins updated, and using reputable security plugins.

Do I need a security plugin if I have a secure hosting provider?

Yes, while hosting providers offer infrastructure security, a security plugin provides additional layers of protection tailored specifically to your WordPress site.

What should I do if my WordPress site gets hacked?

If your site is compromised, immediately restore it from a clean backup, change all passwords, and consider consulting with a WordPress security expert to identify and fix the vulnerability.

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